• fm19mars2019-4coupes

Scientific and Planning Committee

Scientific and Planning Committee

Integrated Forest Management: A History of Cooperation

At the Montmorency Forest, land-use planning guidelines are developed by the Scientific and Planning Committee. Do the planned cuts respect the ecosystem framework? What area do we want to keep untouched by all human intervention? Does the location of the new snowshoe trail comply with the Zoning Plan? Are the new research projects consistent with the mission of Montmorency Forest? All these questions require thoughtful answers and involve many people’s opinions.

What is the Scientific and Planning Committee?

The Scientific and Planning Committee is mainly made up of professors, researchers and students. It also has representatives from other stakeholders in the territory, who collaborate as well in integrated resource management. It is made up of a Committee Chair, a Secretary and a Meeting Chair who are all voting members. It is also made up of several categories of users who are voting members as well as a group of non-voting members, consisting of resource people and observers. Among these are:

  • the faculty of Laval University;
  • students;
  • external researchers;
  • the Faculty of Forestry, Geography and Geomatics;
  • Aboriginal communities;
  • the regional county municipality;
  • the forest industry;
  • a wildlife management and conservation organization;
  • a non-governmental environmental organization;
  • the local watershed organization;
  • trappers;
  • the Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks (forest and wildlife sectors).

The Committee’s main mandates are:

  • To develop the tactical integrated forest management plan.
  • To coordinate the planning of research activities, to verify that they are consistent with the Montmorency Forest’s vision and to ensure their visibility.
  • To ensure the sustainability and accessibility of Montmorency Forest data produced by inventories and research.

For more details about the Committee, consult the Rules of Operation as well as the List of Members. (available in French only)